Predicting Pump failures automatically
Pumps are categorized as one of the most critical asset types in most industries. When pumps are malfunctioning, it can cause expensive breakdowns while decreasing reliability in a production.
Unplanned downtime due to pump failures are costly, but it does not necessarily need to happen, as real time monitoring connects your pump the cloud for you to get an overview.
The challenge is then: Do you understand what the data in the cloud means?
Hexastates PREDICT software estimates the health of your pump and shows you possible causes for why your pump is not running at an optimal state.
Our AI-powered PREDICT software automatically look for following fault types in Pumps
In the animation below, we show what possible fault types the Hexastate PREDICT platform can show you, as a user of the software. A standard centrifugal pump consists of a pump combined with an electric motor. In the pump we can uncover the following causes for machine breakdown, which will show in the Hexastate PREDICT fault trend detection module:
Pump specific fault detection
Centrifugal Pump
Vane Passing Excitation
Piping Vibration
Flow Turbulence
Auto Oscillation
Dynamic Instability
Rotor Rotating Stall
Hydraulic Instability
Electric specific fault detection
Parallel Misalignment
Angular Misalignment
Bent Shaft
Coupling Unbalance
Non-Parallel Coupling Faces
Coupling Wear
Belt Drive
Worn Belts
Bearing specific fault detection
Rolling Element Bearing (with bearings in both DE & NDE)
Cocked Bearing
EDM Fluting
Rolling Elements Skidding
Inner Race Sliding
Outer Race Loose in Housing
Rotating Looseness
Loose Pedestal Bearing
Stage 1 Wear
Stage 2 Wear
Stage 3 Wear (Outer Ring Wear, Inner Ring Wear, Rolling Elements Wear)
Stage 4 Wear
Motor specific fault detection
Electric motors (Both in AC, DC & EC)
AC Motor
Eccentric Stator or Soft Foot
Rotor Bow
Cracked Rotor Bar
Loose Rotor Bar
Loose Rotor
Loose Rotor Windings
Shorted Laminations
Loose Connections
Eccentric Motor Stator or Rotor
Structure Flexibility Ring Wear, Rolling
DC Motor
Eccentric Stator or Soft Foot
Rotor Bow
Cracked Rotor Bar
Loose Rotor Bar
Loose Rotor
Loose Rotor Windings
Shorted Laminations
Loose Connections
Eccentric Motor Stator or Rotor
Structure Flexibility Ring Wear, Rolling
EC Motor
Loose Stator Coils